Originating from South America, these vibrant fish are known for their striking red noses and silver bodies, making them popular amongst fish keepers. With their peaceful schooling nature, they can be a great addition to add a pop of color to your community tank.
Tank Set Up
When it comes to creating the ideal tank for your Rummy Nose Tetras, there are a few key factors to consider. Firstly, you will want to make sure your tank is spacious enough, as these fish are very active and appreciate plenty of room to swim and explore. A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended for a small school of these fish, but bigger is always better.
Maintaining optimal water quality is crucial for the well-being of your rummy nose tetras, as these fish can be sensitive to fluctuations in their water parameters. These fish prefer slightly acidic water with a pH ranging from 6.0 to 7.0 and a temperature between 75°F and 82°F (24°C - 28°C). Because these fish can be sensitive to changes in their water parameters, you will want to have your tank fully established before adding these fish to the aquarium.
Adding live plants to your aquarium can also help with maintaining proper water parameters as well as provide your fish with a more naturalistic environment.

When it comes to diet, rummy nose tetras are omnivores and are not at all picky eaters. These fish will thrive from a varied diet of high-quality flakes or pellets along with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp or bloodworms for added nutrition and excitement.
Tank Mates
When it comes to choosing tank mates for your rummy nose tetras, you will want to opt for peaceful species that share similar water requirements. Good tank mates include other similar-sized fish such as cardinal tetras, neon tetras, or peaceful community fish like corydoras or guppies. Always remember when choosing tank mates, if it fits in a fish’s mouth, it’s food.

Breeding rummy nose tetras can be a bit of a challenge and is not recommended for those new to the hobby. You will need to create separate breeding tanks with soft acidic water conditions around 78°F (25°C). Provide plenty of fine-leaved plants for the female to deposit her eggs and remove the parents once the female has laid all her eggs to prevent the pair from eating their eggs.
When it comes to telling the difference between male and female rummy nose tetras, it's all about their colors. Males tend to have more intense red noses and a slimmer body shape compared to females. Watching their behavior during spawning can also provide clues as males will actively chase females around the tank.