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GloFish Corydoras Care Guide | GloFish Care Guide Series Ep. 7 | Corydoras

About the GloFish Corydoras

With how popular corydoras are amongst both new and seasoned fish keepers it is no wonder they would become the newest addition to the GloFish brand. Already coming in a wide variety of patterns and colorations, these fish are now available in electric green and sunburst orange.

Glofish have caused quite a stir in the fish community, as many people in the hobby are opposed to these newer genetically modified fish. The biggest problem, however, is many people purchasing these fish, are not familiar with the actual species, and only choose them for their bright colorations.

With their peaceful disposition, relatively small size, and scavenger nature, Corydoras are often a great addition to a community tank.

Tank Set Up

The minimum tank size recommended for corydoras is 20 gallons. But always remember bigger is better, as smaller tanks tend to require more frequent maintenance than larger tanks.

As cories are scavengers that use their small whiskers to find food on the bottom of your aquarium, you will want to choose a substrate of either smooth sand or gravel, as anything sharp may damage their barbs and injure your fish.

Planted aquariums are always a great idea when it comes to corydoras, as it gives them a more naturalistic environment, and these fish will appreciate having plenty of hiding places to rest. As a bonus, plants will also help to keep nitrate levels lower in your tank.

Cory catfish can typically handle a wide temperature range of 72°-80°, however, they do best when temperatures are consistent and stable, so you may or may not need a heater for them if temperatures will fluctuate too much without one, or if temperatures will drop too low. These fish also do not tend to do well in waters that get too warm or above 82°, so you will want to keep that in mind.

Cory catfish do best between neutral to slightly acidic water with a pH between 6.5-7.8, and they prefer soft to only slightly hard water.

These fish also do best in low to medium flow filtration, with sponge filters often being favored amongst fish keepers.

When setting up your corydoras tank for the first time you will want to cycle the tank before adding your fish.

Cycling the tank will allow good bacteria to flourish that will help aid in taking care of any toxins produced from fish waste.

Tank Mates

Corydoras are considered a schooling fish, and they will do best if kept in schools of at least 6. When it comes to tank mates, Corydoras are quite peaceful, but always keep their small size in mind, because if it fits in a fish’s mouth, it’s food.

Common tankmates for cory catfish are neon tetras, swordtails, zebra danios, amano shrimp, rasboras, and platies.


Now when it comes to diet, corydoras are considered omnivores and are not at all picky eaters. Although they are typically bottom feeders, they will also come to the surface to eat as well. Keep in mind while these fish will eat some algae, this is not their primary food source.

These fish will also need a varied diet of high-quality sinking pellets, sinking wafers, live or frozen bloodworms, and some blanched vegetables.

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